Shamoon College of Engineering Israel
Institute of Engineering of Porto Portugal
Technion Institute of Technology Israel
Memorial University of NewfoundlandCanada
University of Salerno, Italy
Sapienza UniversityItaly
ENEA - Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development Italy
Xidian University China
National University of Singapore, Singapore
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Hong Kong
INTI International University
Shanghai University
Bialystok University of Technology
Hunan UniversityChina
Professor Yoash Levron is an expert in power engineering. He published more than 100 peer-reviewed papers in this area, and won several awards for his research activities. He is also head of the “Power Electronics and Renewable Energy Lab” at the Technion.
Dr. Dmitry Baimel is an expert in power electronics and power systems. He published more than 86 peer-reviewed papers in this field, was awarded several research grants, and wrote 2 international patents. He is the Head of the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at SCE.
Associate Professor Dr. Mohd Hariri Arifin is a geologist who focuses on geothermal exploration. He leads his team in Malaysia and plotted the distribution of hot springs in Peninsular Malaysia. In the future, locations for east Malaysia (Sarawak and Sabah ) will be available. He is eager to make sure Malaysia will have 1st geothermal power plant by 2050.
Philip W. T. Pong received a B.Eng. from the University of Hong Kong (HKU) with 1st class honours. Then he obtained a PhD in engineering at the University of Cambridge. He was a postdoctoral researcher at the Magnetic Materials Group at the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) for three years. Currently he is an Associate Professor in the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at New Jersey Institute of Technology (NJIT). His research interest focuses on the fault detection, predictive maintenance, and anomaly detection of power grid. He is the Founding Director of the Green Technology Research and Training Laboratory, leading the research and education activities of offshore wind energy at NJIT. Philip Pong is a Fellow of the Institution of Engineering and Technology (FIET), a Fellow of the Institute of Physics (FInstP), a Fellow of the Energy Institute (FEI), a Fellow of the Institute of Materials, Minerals and Mining (FIMMM), a Fellow of the Hong Kong Institution of Engineers (FHKIE), a Fellow of the NANOSMAT Society (FNS), a chartered physicist (CPhys), a chartered engineer (CEng), a chartered energy engineer, a registered professional engineer (R.P.E. in Electrical, Electronics, Energy), and a Senior Member of IEEE (SMIEEE). He serves on the editorial boards for several IEEE and SCI journals.
Kenji Uchino, one of the pioneers in piezoelectric actuators, is Academy Professor at Emeritus Academy Institute, Electrical Engineering, was Founding Director of International Center for Actuators and Transducers, Materials Research Institute, and was Professor of EE and MatSE, Distinguished Honors Faculty of Schreyer Honors College at The Pennsylvania State University. He was Associate Director (Global Technology Awareness, the US Navy Ambassador to Japan) at The US Office of Naval Research – Global Tokyo Office from 2010 till 2014. He was also the Founder and Senior Vice President & CTO of Micromechatronics Inc., State College, PA from 2004 till 2010. After being awarded his Ph. D. degree from Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan, he became Research Associate/Assistant Professor (1976) in Physical Electronics Department at this university. Then, he joined Sophia University, Japan as Associate Professor in Physics Department in 1985. He was then recruited from The Penn State University in 1991. He was also involved with Space Shuttle Utilizing Committee in NASDA, Japan during 1986-88, and Vice President of NF Electronic Instruments, USA, during 1992-94. He was the Founding Chair of Smart Actuators/Sensors Committee, Japan Technology Transfer Association sponsored by Ministry of Economics, Trading and Industries, Japan from 1987 to 2014, and a long-term Chair of International Conference on New Actuators, Messe Bremen, Germany during 1997-2022. He is currently Editor in Chief of J. Actuators, MDPI, J. Current Applied Materials, Bentham Science Pub. Ltd., and J. Insight-Material Science, PiscoMed Publishing LLT. Uchino served as Administrative Committee Member (Elected) of IEEE Ultrasonics, Ferroelectrics and Frequency Control (1998-2000) and as Secretary of American Ceramic Society, Electronics Division (2002-2003). His research interest is in solid state physics, especially in ferroelectrics and piezoelectrics, including basic research on theory, materials, device designing and fabrication processes, as well as application development of solid state actuators/sensors for precision positioners, micro-robotics, ultrasonic motors, smart structures, piezoelectric transformers and energy harvesting. K. Uchino is known as the discoverer/inventor of the following famous topics: (1) lead magnesium niobate (PMN)-based electrostricive materials, (2) cofired multilayer piezoelectric actuators (MLA), (3) superior piezoelectricity in relaxor-lead titanate-based piezoelectric single crystals (PZN-PT), (4) photostrictive phenomenon, (5) shape memory ceramics, (6) magnetoelectric composite sensors, (7) transient response control scheme of piezoelectric actuators (Pulse-Drive technique), (8) micro ultrasonic motors, (9) multilayer disk piezoelectric transformers, and (10) piezoelectric loss characterization methodology. He has authored 582 papers, 83 books and 33 patents in the ceramic actuator area. 66 papers/books among his publications have been cited more than 100 times, leading to his average h-index 82. Total citation number 36,000 and annual average citation number 1,500 are very high in College of Engineering. He was also awarded his MBA degree from St. Francis University (2008), and authored a textbook, “Entrepreneurship for Engineers” for College of Business. He is a Life Fellow Member of American Ceramic Society, IEEE (since 2012), Fellow of International Association of Advanced Materials, and Senior Member of National Academy of Inventors since 2019, and also is a recipient of 34 awards, including Japan Ceramics Grand Prix from Japanese Ceramics Society (2022), Wilhelm R. Buessem Award from the Center for Dielectrics and Piezoelectrics, The Penn State University (2019), Distinguished Lecturer of the IEEE UFFC Society (2018), International Ceramic Award from Global Academy of Ceramics (2016), IEEE-UFFC Ferroelectrics Recognition Award (2013), Inventor Award from Center for Energy Harvesting Materials and Systems, Virginia Tech (2011), Premier Research Award from The Penn State Engineering Alumni Society (2011), the Japanese Society of Applied Electromagnetics and Mechanics Award on Outstanding Academic Book (2008), SPIE (Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers), Smart Product Implementation Award (2007), R&D 100 Award (2007), ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) Adaptive Structures Prize (2005), Outstanding Research Award from Penn State Engineering Society (1996), Academic Scholarship from Nissan Motors Scientific Foundation (1990), Best Movie Memorial Award at Japan Scientific Movie Festival (1989), and the Best Paper Award from Japanese Society of Oil/Air Pressure Control (1987).
Dr. Xie’s main research activities lie in aircraft environment control with his interdisciplinary expertise in CFD analysis, structural design and control technology. His research interests also include aircraft environmental control technology, loop heat pipe, phase change energy storage technology and heat exchanger. His work in Electronics Cooling is internationally recognized. He is proactively consulting and collaborating widely in industry. A wide range of his projects have been funded by NSFC, China Aviation Fund and industry.
Dr. Donghai Xu is the full Professor and doctoral advisor of Xi'an Jiaotong University, the visiting scholar of the University of Michigan (Ann Arbor), the national level young talents. He has presided over 12 national and provincial scientific research projects, including international cooperation projects of National Key Research and Development Plan (as the chief scientist) and 3 National Natural Science Foundations, etc. He has published more than 180 SCI papers (with 8 ESI papers), which have been cited more than 6600 times, and his personal H-factor is 42. He has published 4 books in Chinese and English. He has been authorized 58 Chinese invention patents and two American invention patents. He was ever the Executive Director of the National Association of Analytical and Applied Thermal Cracking Academics, and the guest editor of Journal of Analytical and Applied Pyrolysis. He has won the Gold Medal of the 8th International Invention Exhibition, the Excellence Award of China Patent, and the first Prize of Science and Technology Award of Shaanxi Higher Education Institutions. He was selected as a member of Xi'an Jiaotong University “Young Top Talent Support Program” Category A, and the annual influence list of the world's top 2% top scientists in 2020-2023.
Dr. Nguyen Dinh Hoa is currently an Associate Professor at International Institute for Carbon-Neutral Energy Research (WPI-I2CNER) and Institute of Mathematics for Industry (IMI), Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan. His research is on the modeling, optimization, and control toward low-carbon and autonomous energy systems, with particular focuses on renewables and distributed energy resources, smart grid, artificial intelligence, multi-agent systems, and decentralized optimization.
Hao Lu received the Ph.D. degree in electrical engineering from Xidian University, Xi'an, China in 2022. He has been engaged in the research of GaN-based microwave/millimeter wave electronic devices and key technologies of heterostructure integration for a long time. He has published 40 technical papers in international high-level journals and conferences such as IEDM, IEEE Electron Devices Letters, IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, Applied Physics Letters, etc., including 25 first-author publications and 27 chinese filed/pending patents. He has made several oral reports at international conferences such as IEDM, IEEE WiPDA, IEEE ICTA, IWN, APWS, CSW etc. In 2021, he won the IEEE WiPDA-Asia Best Presentation Award, AMSE Best Presentation Award, and Xidian Excellent Doctoral Dissertation Funding. Dr. Lu is Member of IEEE, China Institute of Electronics (CIE), and Chinese Physical Society (CPS). His specific research interests include the advanced fabrication, characterization, and integration of wide band-gap semiconductor electronic devices.
Dr. D. Yogi Goswami is a Distinguished Professor and Director of the Clean Energy Research Center at the University of South Florida. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Solar Compass, journal of the International Solar Alliance. He is also the Editor-in-Chief Emeritus of the Solar Energy journal. Professor Goswami has made transformative contributions to the field of Solar Energy, including Thermodynamic Power Cycles, and Solar photocatalytic Detoxification and Disinfection of Air and Water. He developed a new combined Power and Cooling Cycle, now known as the Goswami Cycle, which has resulted in global research in a new class of Combined Cycles with multiple outputs. He pioneered the development of photo-electrochemical oxidation (PECO) technology for disinfection of air, which is now available commercially. He has now developed the next generation Plasmonic Photonic technology to disinfect and detoxify the indoor air, which is being commercialized by Applied Photonix LLC. Within the field of energy he has published 23 books, more than 400 papers, and holds 41 patents. Dr. Goswami’s textbook, Principles of Solar Engineering based on his classroom teaching, is now in its 4th edition and is being used worldwide. Prof. Goswami has served as the President of the International Solar Energy Society (ISES), and a Governor and Senior Vice President of ASME among many professional leadership positions. Dr. Goswami is a recipient of the highest awards of many professional societies related to solar energy including the Farrington Daniels Award and Karl Boer Medal for Solar Energy from International Solar Energy Society, and the Charles Greely Abbott award from American Solar Energy Society, the Frank Kreith Energy award and John Yellott Solar Energy award from ASME, and the Joan Hodges Queneau Palladium Medal from the American Association of Engineering Societies. He is a Honorary Fellow of ASME and a Fellow of the National Academy of Inventors, ASHRAE, AAAS, ASES, ISES and a member of the Pan American Academy of Engineers and has been inducted in the Florida Inventors Hall of Fame. Dr. Goswami has advised leaders of many countries on their energy policy, including the US Congress and the Executive Branch. He has also advised India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Solar Energy policy both when he was the Chief Minister of Gujarat state and later as the Prime Minister.
Prof. Zhihua Wang is a Qiushi Distinguished Professor of Zhejiang University and vice director of the State Key Laboratory of Clean Energy Utilization. He was successfully awarded the Distinguished Young Scholars Fund (2021) and Excellent Youth Fund (2014) from the National Natural Science Foundation of China. Prof. Wang obtained his Ph.D. degree from Zhejiang University majoring in Engineering Thermophysics in 2005. His research interest covers clean combustion of H2/NH3/Coal fuels and emission control. He has co-authored more than 300 papers in peer-reviewed journals with a total citation of 12,000+ times, H Index 56 from Google Scholar. He has published one English monograph and two Chinese Monographs. He has obtained the Second prize of the National Science and Technology Progress Award of China, the National Science and Technology Innovation Team Award, and holds more than 20 patents, including one Zhejiang Provincial Gold Patent.
"Department of Mechanical technology (Refrigeration and cooling), Riyadh college of technology, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia" by "Mechanical Department College of Engineering, Imam Mohammad Ibn Saud Islamic University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia"
Adrian Ioinovici, IEEE Fellow, is the Director of the Power Electronics based on Switched Capacitors (PESC) Center, the Shanghai University of Electrical Power, China, within the “One thousand foreign experts plan”, and holds honorary professorships from many universities. Previously, he served as a Professor and Director of the Power electronics for renewable energy Centre, Sun-Yat-sen University, Guangzhou ,and as a Full Professor in the Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics. He got the IEEE Fellow grade for “pioneering work in switched-capacitor converters”. He authorized the books Computer-Aided Analysis of Active Circuits (New York: Marcel Dekker, 1990) and Power Electronics and Energy Conversion Systems, (Wiley, 2013)). His main research interests are switching-capacitor converters and inverters, large dc gain converters, soft-switching converters. He has given keynote speeches or tutorials at many IEEE conferences. He serves as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, and as a Co-Editor-in-Chief of WSEAS Transactions on Advances in Engineering Education.
MOHAMMAD RASUL obtained his PhD in Clean Energy from The University of Queensland, Australia. Currently, he is a Professor of Mechanical Engineering at the School of Engineering and Technology, Central Queensland University (CQUniversity), Australia. His research areas involve clean and renewable energy, waste-to-energy (pyrolysis, gasification), biofuel/biodiesel, hydrogen production from waste, and energy and pollution analysis of resource industries. He is the author of more than 550 publications including books, book chapters, journal papers, conference papers. His notable edited book is “Clean Energy for Sustainable Development: Comparisons and Contrast of New Approaches” and “Encyclopedia of Renewable Energy, Sustainability and The Environment” both are published by Elsevier. He has supervised 40 higher degrees by research (HDR) students to completion. He is the recipient of Vice-Chancellor awards of outstanding researcher in 2023, excellence in research category. He has secured research grants of about $7M, in a team and individually. His publications have created strong impact to the scientific and professional communities and attracted 20,000 citations with h-index of 71. He is the founder of Clean Energy Academy of CQUniversity. He is an editor of the Australian Journal of Mechanical Engineering and editorial board members of several journals.
Miadreza Shafie-khah is a Full Professor in Sustainable and Flexible Energy Systems at the University of Vaasa, Finland. With dual PhDs in Electrical and Electromechanical Engineering, his career spans roles as a Postdoc at University of Salerno in Italy, an Assistant Professor at UBI in Portugal, an Associate Professor at INESC TEC in Porto, and now as Scientific Director for the Energy Business eMBA. Prof. Shafie-khah also serves as a Senior Project Manager in the energy sector and leads as Principal Investigator on various international and EU-funded projects focused on sustainable energy systems. Prof. Miadreza Shafie-khah serves as Associate Editor for leading journals, including IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, IEEE Systems, IEEE Access, and IET Generation Transmission & Distribution, and is Guest Editor-in-Chief of the IEEE Open Access Journal of Power and Energy. An IEEE Senior Member since 2017, Prof. Shafie-khah has been recognized as a Top Scientist in Electronics and Electrical Engineering on and was named Finland’s top scientist among the World’s Rising Stars of Science in 2022 and 2023. His research, which has earned five Best Paper Awards and numerous high-impact publications that attracted more than 20,000 citations with h-index of 77, focuses on electricity markets, demand response, electric vehicles, and AI applications in energy systems.
Prof. Mengxiang Fang was born in 1965 at Zhejiang Province of China. He got his Ph D degree on Engineering on July, 1991. After graduated, he worked at Institute for Thermal Power Engineering of Zhejiang University and was promoted to the professor in 1998. His interest is coal and biomass combustion and gasification, CO2 capture. He has already been responsible to finished more than 40 projects including National Natural Science Foundation Project, National Key Basic Research Project(973), National High Technology Research and Development Project(863), China & US International cooperation projects, Cooperation projects with GE, EDF, and CSIRO, etc. He got more than 20 patents and presented more than 200 papers in Journal and conference. In recent years, he focus on CO2 chemical absorption. His research covers solvents development, facility optimization and energy saving process. He attended several industry CO2 capture projects including 150kt/y, 500kt/y CO2 capture project design and operation.
Dr Sunday Cookey Ekpo is a Chartered Engineer with experience of carrying out innovative fundamental, use-inspired and applied research in sustainable/green radio communication and satellite systems engineering. He designs adaptive, reconfigurable and digitally-assisted architectures to achieve small form factor, spectrum-efficient, ultra-low energy and cost-effective multi-radio multi-coverage/range solutions/products; He has 120+ peer-reviewed and refereed technical publications. EPSRC Peer Review College Member; UKRI Talent Panel College Member; Senior Member, IEEE, USA; Member, IET, UK; and Member, Association of International Education Administrator; Senior Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, UK; and founder of the International Adaptive and Sustainable Science, Engineering and Technology conference.
Dr. Hengyun Zhang is a Distinguished Professor of Shanghai University of Engineering Science, Adjunct Professor of Wuhan University of Technology, Senior Member of IEEE, Vice Chairman of ICEMAT2023 International Conference Organizing Committee, and Member of Thermal Management Committee of China Electronics Standards Commission. He obtained PhD from Nanyang Technological University nad worked at well-known research and development institutions such as Singapore Institute of Microelectronics and Adv. Micro Devices. He has led and mainly participated in 4 National Natural Science Foundation projects, 4 provincial and ministerial level projects, and more than a dozen of enterprise commissioned research and development projects. His main research interests include measurements of thermal and electrical parameters of power batteries and thermal management technologies for new energy vehicle batteries. He published over 150 papers, with more than 40 papers ranked in Tier one journals, and one national key book for the 13th Five Year Plan. He has been granted more than a dozen of invention patents, and won the Innovation and Entrepreneurship Award from the China Invention Association. He has been elected as top 2% scientist in the word and one of the Highly Cited Scholar in China.
Professor Saim Memon is an accomplished CEO and Industrial Professor of Renewable Energy Engineering, renowned for bridging the gap between academic research, industrial innovation, and global market impact. With a distinguished academic career rooted in the UK, he holds a PhD in Mechanical, Electrical, and Manufacturing Engineering, a PGCert in Teaching Qualification, an MSc in Mechatronics, and a BEng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering (First-Class Distinction). A Chartered Engineer and Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Prof. Memon also holds Qualified Teacher Status, awarded by the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Recognised as a global thought leader, Prof. Memon ranks among the top 0.96% worldwide in the field of Energy and the top 0.86% across all disciplines (ScholarGPS) over the past five years, underscoring his prolific contributions to academia and industry. His exceptional track record includes over 120 research publications, leadership of 41 teaching modules spanning electrical, electronic, mechanical, and renewable energy engineering, with consistently outstanding student satisfaction rates exceeding 90%. He has successfully supervised multiple doctoral, master’s, and undergraduate research projects, cultivating the next generation of engineering innovators. Prof. Memon’s academic influence is further amplified through 50+ invited and keynote lectures, collaborations with researchers from over 40 countries, 1,820+ citations, and an h-index of 25+ and i10-index of 55+. As a thought leader, he has served as Editor-in-Chief and Guest Editor for several prestigious journals and as a reviewer for over 40 peer-reviewed publications. His contributions to academic leadership include steering research groups, developing and validating MSc, MEng, and BEng (Hons) programmes, and pioneering degree apprenticeships in engineering. A world-class expert in multidisciplinary research, Prof. Memon specialises in cutting-edge advancements for net-zero energy solutions. His research portfolio spans thermal management of electric vehicle batteries, vacuum insulation technologies, translucent vacuum insulation panels, energy-efficient materials for smart windows, vacuum-based photovoltaic solar thermal systems, thermoelectric devices, and fast-charging mechanisms for electric vehicles. His innovative work integrates renewable energy systems into smart grids, addressing critical challenges in sustainable energy and mobility. Prof. Saim Memon’s vision and expertise continue to inspire advancements in renewable energy engineering, shaping a more sustainable and energy-efficient future on a global scale.
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