Georgian Technical University
University New South Wales
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Rich May P.C
Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research
Birzeit University
Rausser College of Natural Resources
National Research Centre
University of Minnesota Duluth
University of Rome
International Sustainability Institute
Future Energy Research Institute
Dr. Jim P. Zheng has been a SUNY Empire Innovation Professor at the Department of Electrical Engineering of State University of New York at Buffalo since 2020. Prior, he was Sprint Eminent Scholar Chair Professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering of Florida State University. He was a Campus Director of National Science Foundation (NSF) Engineering Research Center (ERC) of “The Future Renewable Electric Energy Delivery and Management (FREEDM) Systems” in 2008-2019. He is the recipient of National Academy of Inventors Fellow, Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Fellow, National Research Council Fellow, Army Research & Development Achievement Award, NASA Faculty Research Award, and Progress Energy Professional Development Award. He has published over 200 articles in scholarly journals, and 140 papers in conference proceedings in the fields of energy storage, fuel cells, nano-sensors, photonics, and thin film growth, and been awarded 26 patents, and 10 patents have been licensed by private companies.
Joudi Dibsi, founder and IT Consultant at Innovalytics IT Consultancy DWC-LLC, holds a Master of Engineering Management from the University of Wollongong, Australia. A certified Project Management Professional (PMP) with membership in the Project Management Institute (PMI), Joudi has a strong background in project management, supported by a research assistantship grant from Wollongong University. Her research includes the publication "Data Management for Environmentally Sustainable and Profitable Business: Evidence from the Food Retail Industry" in the Swiss Journal of Sustainability MDPI. Professionally, Joudi has diverse experience in education, finance, and event management, with notable contributions to the COP28 project, enhancing processes through advanced project management techniques.
Edgar Harzfeld, Professor at Stralsund University. Studies and research in Leipzig and Zurich. Since 1996 at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of Stralsund University responsible for electrical power supply and renewable energy systems. Since 2004 - 2023 numerous research projects on the subject of electrical energy storage technologies.
Jieshan Qiu, Cheung-Kong Distinguished Professor of Carbon Science and Chemical Engineering at Beijing University of Chemical Technology, China. His research encompasses both fundamental and applied aspects of carbon materials and science, with a focus on the methodologies of producing carbon materials for energy storage and conversion, catalysis, and environment protection. He has published 950+ papers in peer-reviewed journals, including Nature Mater., Adv. Mater., Adv. Funct. Mater., Adv. Energy Mater., Energy Environ. Sci., PNAS, Nature Commun., ACS Nano, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., J. Am. Chem. Soc., Joule, Matter, Chem, etc., with citations 68000+ times and h-index of 128 (google scholar), and his work has been featured on 70 covers of international journals. He has been invited to give 160+ plenary/invited/keynote talks in conferences and at universities and research institutes. He has filed 170+ Chinese and International patents. He has been honored with 30+ prestigious awards and prizes including the First-class award for fundamental research and industrialization technologies from the Education Ministry of China and Liaoning Province. He is a highly cited researcher by Clarivate Analytics from 2018 to 2023 and by Elsevier from 2019 to 2023. Right now, he is the Associate Editor of Battery Energy (Wiley) and Chemical Engineering Science (Elsevier).
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Graduated in Civil Engineering from the Federal University of Campina Grande - UFCG (1999), Master in Civil Engineering from UNICAMP (2002) and Doctor in Electrical and Computer Engineering from UNICAMP (2005). In the last 20 years he has coordinated and participated in dozens of publicly and privately financed R&Ds in the area of electricity generation and distribution, most of them regulated by ANEEL. The researcher is an Associate Professor at the University of Pernambuco (UPE/POLI) and a Permanent Professor at the Postgraduate Program in Systems Engineering (PPGES), teaching subjects, advising undergraduate and graduate students and supervising postdoctoral students. He works as a professor/researcher in the following areas: probability, stochastic processes, hydrology, time series forecasting, computational intelligence, smart meters, renewable energies, energy storage, planning and programming of the operation of electric power systems, hydrothermal power systems, energy planning, reliability engineering in life data analysis, repairable systems and extreme conditions of use. He works as a professor in the postgraduate courses (lato sensu) of POLI / UPE: Specialization in Construction and Assembly Engineering, Quality / Productivity Management, Automotive Engineering, Maintenance Management, and is coordinator and professor of the Specialization Course in Reliability Engineering. The professor is a Member of the ABNT/CE-003:120.001 Commission for the Study of Electric Energy Storage Systems at ABNT - Brazilian Association of Technical Standards, Member of the Sectorial Assessment Commission (CSA) of POLI/UPE, Member of the Research Group of Computational Intelligence (CIRG@UPE), Member of the Electric Energy Management Research Group (GEE), Member of the Renewable Energy Research Group (GPER), Member of the Extension Group of the Inclusive Psychopedagogical Support Nucleus (NAPSI) and Member of the Structuring Teaching Nucleus of Basic Education (NDE).
Assoc. Prof. Dr Mohd Hariri Arifin is a reputable Geophysics lecturer at Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (UKM) with over 10 years of experience in teaching and research. He gained his PhD in Geophysics Exploration at Universiti Sains Malaysia. He has been a Board of Geologists Malaysia, PG29 member since 2016. His passion and dedication to research have led him to publish almost 60 articles and get nearly 260 citations in 12 years. Dr Hariri teaches a few courses such as Geophysics, Engineering Geophysics and Environmental Geophysics for undergraduate students and supervises postgraduate students. Dr Hariri has extensive experience in consulting multiple projects of his expertise such as assessing rock slope and tunnel stability, and landslide problems. His effort and contribution in the geology field widen as he has gained numerous grants for groundwater study, environmental site assessment, and sustainability of geothermal resources. He is also President of the Geological Society of Malaysia & Deputy Dean for Industry and Community partnership.
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Professor Mohamed TAHIRI is currently Full professor of supramolecular chemistry, spectroscopy, composite materials, electroplating techniques, Economical Impact on environmental, water and environmental engineering, biomass and biogas, Climate change, innovation and sustainable entrepreneurship. Since January 2010, he has held the Innovation Chair and TTO at Hassan II University in Casablanca. He coordinated the Erasmus + Yabda project from 2017 to 2021 ( and represented the University in the other Tempus projects OSMOSE, BUCUM and Erasmus + INSITE, SALEEM. In his faculty, he holds a Bachelor's degree in sanitation management in urban and rural areas since 2009 till now. Since 2020, He’s Director of Research Laboratory at Hassan II University of Casablanca (Organic Synthesis, Extraction and Valorisation: SOEVLab) He’s International Expert with UNIDO (Vien) 2012: Bioenergy, Water and Environment Management, Applied Chemistry It conducts R&D in partnership with various industries. He is part of the national network of experts in environmental economics with whom he has carried out an economic evaluation of the damage and inefficiencies caused to the environment. He has been awarded: Hassan II Prize for the Environment in 2009, AFP Washington Prize 2012, University-Business Competitiveness Prize 2014, InnovTex Prize 2019 and 2021. Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has provided several technical training and workshops in several African countries (Chad, Ivory Coast, Burkina Faso, Gabon, DRC, Tunisia, Egypt, Algeria, …. Professor is now the holder of 4 research & development projects funded by different organizations (MESRSI, MCINTND, IRESEN, LYDEC) He holds 5 invention patents He has published more than 40 general and research articles, organized international meetings and conferences in Morocco (PRIDE Morocco 2007: International Conference on Renewable Energies and Water Technologies in partnership with the Chamber of Commerce and Navigation of Almeria Spain; MENA Symposium on Environmental Analysis and Economic Valuation, Marrakech 2009). Professor Mohamed TAHIRI has widely consulted in the fields of applied chemistry, environmental accounting, eco-efficiency and eco-management, chemical risks, environmental engineering and climate change ; treatment of domestic and industrial wastewater, biogas and biomass; …etc. He led the research team on the organoleptic properties of raw water deserving of Grand Casablanca. Pr. TAHIRI has been a senior consultant for multinational and national companies, particularly in water treatment technologies, electroplating processes, applied chemistry, recycling and waste recovery, detergency, sustainable entrepreneurship and innovation, sustainable development, etc.
Ambe Harrison is an independent researcher affiliated with the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering at the College of Technology (COT), University of Buea, Cameroon. He holds diplomas in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the College of Technology (COLTECH), University of Bamenda, and the College of Technology (COT), University of Buea. Additionally, he earned a diploma in Aerospace Computer Science (Floating Satellite) from the University of Würzburg, Germany. Harrison's research interests encompass nonlinear control, power electronics, optimization algorithms, photovoltaic emulation, PV monitoring, solar energy energy resources, and solar irradiance estimation. He is the pioneer of a new subject in PV systems known as “Multiple-to-Single Maximum Power Point Tracking (MSMPPT),” offering a novel solution for PV system optimization under partial shading conditions. Harrison has published or co-published over 25 articles in reputable journals, including top Elsevier journals such as ISA Transactions, Solar Energy, Control Engineering Practice, Computer and Electrical Engineering, and Results in Engineering. He has also contributed to several IET journals, Springer journals, and MDPI. His dedication to advancing scholarly and scientific development extends to his active participation in the peer review process. Accredited by the Elsevier Research Academy as an international reviewer, Harrison has the privilege of serving as a permanent reviewer for numerous prestigious academic journals. These include all Elsevier journals, IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Electrical Engineering (Springer), Frontiers in Energy Research, Energy Sources, the Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, and Scientific Reports, among others. To date, he has completed over 60 scientific reviews. He is also a permanent expert at research quality evaluation where he is frequently invited to evaluate scientific manuscripts. He is an enthusiast of scholarly development and he is working towards proposing revolutionizing solutions for contemporary and future scholarly publishing ecosystem. Harrison is the founder of the Africa Renewable Energy Hub (AREH), an initiative dedicated to advancing renewable energy development in Africa through research and communication.
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Mr. Eugene Eteris has comparative European politics (1980), PhD in Law (1985) and Lic. Jura (Denmark, 1992); besides, he has a M.Sc. degree in foreign languages. During last 40 years he has been dealing with the EU politics, economy and legal issues. He has been teaching in various universities in Europe since 1980s, e.g. for over a decade in Moscow State University, and another decade as a professor at Riga Stradina University/Latvia, etc. Besides he is a member of world journalist federation; for about two decades he served as an International Editor in the web-magazine “The Baltic Course” ( He has been a visiting professor in European universities and colleges: in Germany and Belgium, Denmark and Latvia, etc. and published several books on EU economic policies, law and integration. See: ORCID-ID: During last 15 years has been an external expert in the Commission’s DG on Education and Science; since 2016, a member of SDSN Global, SDSN for Universities, and SDSN Europe as part of Nordic countries’ sustainability network. For several years he has been a special adviser to the Latvian Science Academy and a member of its European Policy Research Unit. During last twenty years he serves as a managing director in the European Integration Institute/Denmark, heavily contributing to the EII’s publications on European integration since 2020 (website:
Dr. Eugene S. Mananga is a Tenured Full Professor of physics and nuclear medicine at The City University of New York (BCC & Graduate Center), an Adjunct Professor of applied physics at New York University, and a Visiting Scientist at Brookhaven National Laboratory. He is currently a selected Fellow at KAVLI Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP) at the University of California Santa Barbara. His research spans a range of topics in condensed matter physics, materials science, and computational science. Specifically, his research focused on controlling the spin dynamics in solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and using computational methods based on density functional theory to investigate and characterize materials systems for energy storage as well as zeolite catalysis. His work utilizes a range of methods, from experimental solid-state NMR to theoretical chemical physics and spectroscopy, and modern computational chemical science with high-performance computing. He has published more than 80 peer-review scientific articles and is the recipient of several distinguished awards including the 2017 Henry Wasser Award in physics from The CUNY Academy for Humanities and Sciences in recognition of Outstanding Scholarship and Academic Performance, the 2018 Distinguished Scientist Award from the American Chemical Society (New York Section) for “Contributions and Advanced Studies in the Theory of Spin Dynamics in Solid-State NMR and Quantum Mechanics,” the 2021 Lifetime Achievement Award from VDGOOD Professional Association in India in Recognition for International Scientists of Engineering, Science and Medicine, the 2022 CUNY Junior Faculty Research Award in Science and Engineering (JFRASE) sponsored by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for potential to make a significant contribution to Physics, to Nuclear Magnetic Resonance & Lithium-Ion Battery Fields, to CUNY, and to society, and more recently the 2023 President’s Award for Excellence in Research from the President of BCC of The City University of New York for Excellence in Research, Creative Activities, Outstanding Dedication, Hard Work, and Passion for Education. Prof. Mananga has been selected to several Visiting Faculty Fellowships from the US Department of Energy to perform research in major US National Laboratories including Argonne National Laboratory, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, and Brookhaven National Laboratory. Professor Mananga completed his Ph. D. in Physics from The City University of New York under the supervision of the CUNY Distinguished Professor Steven Greenbaum, his Postdoctoral studies in Nuclear Medicine at Harvard University and Massachusetts General Hospital, and he holds more than 8 additional graduate degrees and training from various institutions including Harvard Medical School. He was a Research Fellow in the National High Magnetic Field Laboratory of USA and in the French Alternative Energies and Atomic Energy Commission (CEA-SACLAY).
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Prof. Shengwei Wang is the Director of Research Institute for Smart Energy (智慧能源研究院院長), a university-level Research institute in PolyU, and leading the “building energy and smart buildings” research and application. His research expertise and interests cover energy systems (e.g. air-conditioning systems) and building automation systems (BAS), energy-flexible buildings and building-grid interaction, zero/low energy buildings for carbon neutral communities, cleanroom air-conditioning systems, district cooling systems, data centre cooling technologies, and smart technologies (e.g., IoT, AI and distributed optimization) for buildings. He is very successful in securing research grants, including one CRF (collaborative research fund) and 20 GRF (general research funds) from Hong Kong RGC, one Overseas Youth Talent Grant of NSFC and 6 Hong Kong PhD Fellowship grants. He authored/co-authored four books and published over 500 refereed journal and conference papers (including over 350 papers in Web of Science). He was one of the top 150 highly cited scholars worldwide in “Energy Science and Engineering” based on the Clarivate Analytics in 2016 and was ranked no. 20 in “Building and Construction” (2021) and no.192 in “Energy”(2022) worldwide according to Stanford reports. He is also very active and successful in collaborating with building industry for applied energy research and applications. He has conducted a large number of energy optimization projects successfully for new buildings and existing buildings in Hong Kong, such as International Commerce Centre (ICC, the tallest landmark building in HK), hotels, airport buildings, hospitals, industrial buildings, underground stations as well as buildings in the PolyU campus, with energy savings from 15% to 40% and maximum annual energy saving of over 10M kWh per individual building. Prof. Wang is particularly proud of the competitiveness and career success of the PhD graduates and fellows from his team in the academia and industry. Most of them are appointed as faculty members in reputable universities in Hong Kong, Mainland of China, Australia, UK and USA, as well as leaders and senior professionals in building and energy industries. He warmly welcome young talents to join the team as post-doctoral fellows or PhD students under the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme and other schemes to sharpen your competitive edge by conducting innovative and impactful interdisciplinary energy research.
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Associate Professor Dr. Mohamad Khairi received his B.Eng in Electrical and Electronics Engineering from the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), followed by an MSc in Embedded Systems from the University of Essex, UK, and a PhD from the University of Bristol, UK. He is a member of IEEE and a registered graduate engineer with the Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM). Currently, he serves as an Associate Professor in Computer Engineering at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ajman University, UAE. Dr. Mohmad Khairi has a strong research and teaching background, having taught at Universiti Sains Malaysia and Ajman University, UAE where he leverages modern technologies to engage students and enhance learning outcomes. Driven by his passion for research, Dr. Khairi has published over 300 articles and received more than 1,080 citations in just 9 years in the academic field. His research interests include Embedded Systems, Artificial Intelligence (AI), Real-Time Control, and the Internet of Things (IoT), with a focus on developing methods that can be practically validated. Recently, his work has concentrated on energy efficiency and embedded networked systems incorporating AI and IoT for industrial applications.
VALERIO DE SANTIS (M’05-SM’15) received the Laurea degree (with honours) in telecom engineering and the Ph.D. degree in electrical and computer engineering, both from the University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy, in 2006 and 2010. He joined the Foundation for Research on Information Technologies in Society, IT’IS Foundation, Switzerland, from 2011 to 2013, holding the position of Project Leader and he was an Assistant Professor at the Nagoya Institute of Technology, Nagoya, Japan, from January to March 2015. He is currently an Associate Professor at the University of L’Aquila, L’Aquila, Italy. His current research interests include renewable energies, wireless power transfer, numerical methods and techniques, electromagnetic compatibility and human exposure safety. Prof. De Santis is participating in and leading to several standardization efforts in the human exposure and product safety domain. He is a member of the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) “TC 106 - Methods for the assessment of electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields associated with human exposure”, and IEEE International Committee on Electromagnetic Safety (ICES) - Technical Committee 95. Prof. De Santis received the Second Best Student Paper Award at the Bioelectromagnetics Society (BEMS) Annual Meeting, Cancun, Mexico, 2006, the Best Student Paper Award at the IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Honolulu, USA, in 2007, the Leo L. Beranek Travel Grant at the IEEE International Symposium on EMC, Detroit, USA, in 2008, and the Best Poster Award at the IEEE 18th Biennial Conference on Electromagnetic Field Computation (CEFC), Hangzhou, China, 2018.
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Richard Navarro, Chief Executive Officer and Chief Innovation Officer, earned a Doctorate from Vanderbilt University, a Master of Arts and Bachelor of Science with honors from Western Michigan University despite severe hearing impairment. Dr. Navarro founded five companies and sold two with a dominant market share within five years. He has fourteen inventions, six issued patents, and one patent pending. Two of his inventions have world-wide usage. He authored the book “Resurrection of the Blue Planet” in 2009 to help individuals reduce their carbon footprint and has authored three children’s books. He brings more than 40 years of management and administrative experience. In 2016, Dr Navarro won First Prize in the Fort Worth Business Plan Competition and was invited by the Governor of Texas to be a Texas Delegate to the 2016 Power Generation Summit in Orlando Florida. He participated in the U.S. Department of Commerce U.S./Canadian Renewable Energy Conference in Toronto and Calgary, Canada and has spoken on renewable energy at several international conferences from London to Tokyo.
Prof. Dr. Saim Memon, CEO and Industrial Professor of Renewable Energy Engineering, unifies academic research and development, industrial manufacturing, and product distribution in the global market. Prof. Saim ranked in the top 0.96% worldwide in the field of Energy and the Top 0.86% overall among all scholars worldwide over the past 5 years (ScholarGPS) as a result of extensive academic and research contributions that includes 120+ research publications, 41 taught modules (with module leadership) in electrical, electronic, mechanical, and renewable energy engineering with over 90% student satisfaction, along with successful supervision of 2+ PhD projects, 12+ MSc/MEng projects, and 23+ BEng (Hons) projects. He has held 50+ invited/keynote speakerships, engaged in research collaborations with 40+ countries worldwide, accumulated 1600+ citations with a 23+ h-index and a 52+ i10-index, served in 5+ editor-in-chief and guest editorships, and fulfilled 40+ journal reviewer roles. Prof. Saim has also demonstrated his academic leadership and made significant contributions to lead research group and MSc/MEng/BEng (Hons) courses directorship and degree apprenticeships with development and validation. Prof Saim built his academic research career in the UK, earned PhD in Mechanical, Electrical & Manufacturing Engineering (Loughborough University, England); PGCert in Teaching Qualification (University of Aberdeen, Scotland); MSc in Mechatronics (Staffordshire University, England); and BEng (Hons) in Electrical Engineering (Mehran UET, Sindh). Prof Saim is also a Chartered Engineer and a Fellow of Higher Education Academy, holding Qualified Teacher Status granted by General Teaching Council for Scotland in the UK. Prof. Saim has world-leading multidisciplinary research expertise in Electrical, Mechanical, and Renewable Energy Engineering. His specific research experiences encompass net-zero energy buildings, vacuum insulation, thermal management of electric vehicle batteries, translucent vacuum insulation panels, energy materials for vacuum insulated smart windows, , vacuum-based photovoltaic solar thermal collectors, applied semi-transparent photovoltaics and switchable films, renewable energy technologies, thermoelectric devices for energy harvesting and smart grid integration into electric vehicles with fast-charging battery mechanisms.
Steve Oseruvwoja BEng (Hons) AdvDip MSc is a business development researcher with an interest in sustainable manufacturing. Steve has been involved in engineered materials for use in modern manufacturing enterprise including the associated environmental considerations. These materials are prevalently plastics (e.g. bio-based), ceramics, metals, composites & wood. Steve has expertise in industrial material selection for designing sturdy, resilient green structures or products that can resist intense use and hard conditions. In particular, Steve has experience which tend to give producers more options innovatively for their manufacturing requirements." My photograph is enclosed with this email (you could crop it accordingly or request another if you wish). I hope to be in a suitable position to attend soon. Kind regards,
Dr Yong Yi currently works as a Professor-level Senior Engineer in China Southern Power Grid Co. He obtained his PhD from Tsinghua University in 2017. His researches focus on novel dielectric material for application of electrical power system; condition monitoring for smart electrical grid; machine learning for high-temperature polymer-based dielectrics; conductor aging in smart electrical grid; high voltage engineering. He is a reviewer of about 20 international Journals. He is editorial members of 4 international Journals. He was 5 conference chairs. He authored and co-authored over 70 journal publications and has 10 patents. He is a senior member of IEEE. He has attracted more than 1 million dollars in research grants from industrial partners, National Natural Science Foundation of China, The State Key Laboratories Development Program of China and National Program on Basic Research Project of China
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The city of Zurich, a global center for banking and finance, lies at the north end of Lake Zurich in northern Switzerland. The picturesque lanes of the central Altstadt (Old Town), on either side of the Limmat River, reflect its pre-medieval history. Waterfront promenades like the Limmatquai follow the river toward the 17th-century Rathaus (town hall).